- Some facts about PR Strategy
- What is a ready-made PR strategy?
- What does it include?
- What is the difference?
The concept of “PR-strategy” means a system created to develop and implement a clear plan of action for a specific project. PR-strategy must be separated from the concepts of PR-concept, PR-plan, and PR-program. Strategy, in its essence, is a model of actions to achieve certain goals. In other words, this is a set of actions according to the approved plan. In addition, the strategy has such distinctive features as structure, clarity, and concreteness.
Despite the obvious differences, the PR strategy in the process of its development is closely related to the concept of the PR concept, since the development of the strategy occurs in the process of developing the concept. In the PR concept, the role of strategy is the main one. Indeed, the essence of any project is contained in the PR strategy: what we do, for whom we do, when we do it, how we do it, how much it will cost, and what we will get as a result. The global objective of any PR strategy is to build an action model for implementing a specific plan and achieving goals in a specific information environment.
What is a ready-made PR strategy?
In simple terms, it is an area of activity and mechanisms for their implementation to solve specific problems of the project. The strategy must necessarily include the following elements:
information about the current situation (a preliminary study is conducted to obtain such information);
goals and objectives for a certain period: strategic and tactical;
target audience, including target groups and subgroups (these data are also revealed as a result of internal and external studies);
main directions of movement (directions of strategy);
work schedules – PR plans. A PR plan is an important element of a PR strategy. Such plans are developed following the mechanisms for implementing the strategy and contain clear algorithms for actions within a certain time frame. For example, in a PR strategy, annual, quarterly, monthly PR plans can be distinguished.
What does it include?
In addition to the basic elements, the strategy often includes optional ones. For example, anti-crisis action plans. Such plans are created based on an analysis of the risks of a particular project and include algorithms for actions in the event of force majeure. Often, PR data includes budget data. That is, along with the action plan and the timing of their implementation, specific figures are provided that reflect the planned costs of resources, the size of the necessary investments. Also, the PR strategy often includes a preliminary assessment of its effectiveness – that is, an assessment of the expected results of planned activities.
What is the difference?
To separate the concept of a PR strategy from related concepts of the PR concept, PR program, and PR plan, it is necessary to note the following. Unlike the concept, the strategy does not include the ideology and “legend” of the project. A strategy is created to implement a specific action plan, while a concept is a set of principles of activity. The PR plan, on the contrary, is a narrower concept in comparison with the PR strategy; it includes only an action plan and deadlines. As for the PR program, this concept denotes a specially developed set of measures that implement a specific strategy. Due to its clear structure, a well-designed PR-strategy is a very effective communication tool. Along with the PR plan and the PR program, it is an integral part of the PR concept.